Connecting millions of smiles
building smarter communities
Connecting millions of smiles to dreams, aspirations and life’s precious moments.
We’re on the pulse of modern technology and digital innovation and have monitored their evolution to inform our approaches—all to offer you an exceptional delivery experience.
Connectivity Infrastructure
Behind a million smiles providing reliable wholesale Open Access Network Infrastructure as a Service
+Big Data & Content
We have an extensive network and big data environment to support content hosting, global redistribution
Energy - Smart Grid & Automation
Utility service delivery has rapidly taken a paradigm shift from legacy to smart – Zoodlab’s turnkey smart
....the Zood
Our commitment to the African continent is driven to bridge the gaps in essential utility delivery experience; this is why we aligned our business model and Africa growth strategy to build solutions that will create the launchpad in building smarter communities.
Our future-focused approach is to foster the transformation of rudimentary community utility services from legacy to smart delivery experience.
Create an enabling environment to continuously improve the way of life and accelerate businesses to align with the 4th Industrial Revolution and beyond